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A dynamic and versatile Senior Manager widely experienced in property acquisition, development and portfolio supervision, at all levels from strategic to operational, in the property and defence spheres, capable of operating within six figure budgets, whilst achieving year on year yield increases, establishing real reward.  An industrious and forward thinking leader, adept at orchestrating upwards of 420 employees, in all facets from career streaming, team building through to managerial development and investment.


§  Current Role: The Principal, orchestrating the acquisition of viable ‘Land’, for development purposes, as per Havard 2008, whilst analysing and evaluating the economics of the built environment, achieving a ‘Real Reward’ on investment, through the effective orchestration of the ‘Development Team’ in conjunction with JIT concepts, whilst emplacing robust JCT contractual arrangements.  In addition, provide ‘Coaching & Mentoring’ training/development to all levels of management.





§  A successful influencer proven to be able to adapt style to deliver results with senior managers and the team on an international level.

§  An experienced Project Manager / Developer recognised for delivering to deadlines and budgets across a diverse range of complex change projects.

§  A strong leader who builds, develops and motivates diverse teams in challenging environments.

§  An effective communicator who is articulate and able to make informed and rational decisions even under extreme pressure.





Property Development & Portfolio Manager


October 1998 – Present


Key Responsibilities & Achievements:

§  The planning, equity financing and establishment of an internet based lettings and property development agency and all facets there in, with advertising achieved through liaison with high profile, main stream organisations, establishing profit margins within 3 months, whilst maintaining a property portfolio of c£1.3M.

§  The acquisition and development of selective properties in and around Surrey, for leasing purposes, taking a long term pragmatic view in regards to yield and real reward, against net terminal/present values, achieving annual turnover c119K.

§  Resourcing viable properties, through networking and orchestrating their subsequent upgrade to an executive standard, coordinating the development team, utilising equity and debit financing, providing a healthy interest rate of return, on investment through refined planning, with budgets in excess of c£300,000.

§  Forging B2B relationships with relevant professional agencies involved in the property development and management bubble, thus establishing the group amongst piers (As demonstrated by ‘Which’ Magazine Article c2005).

§  On-going management of a property portfolio c1998, achieving a 200% return on investment, whilst identifying risk.

§  Understanding the economics of the built environment, via effective market research and utilising this meta-knowledge to enhance and expand the portfolio, against the government’s backdrop of sustainability legislation & current planning laws.


Senior Management


January 2008 – March 2013


Key Responsibilities & Achievements:

§  Evolve year on year improvements through; effective intelligence, evaluation and analysis of the annual individual and collective training requirements for the company, and its 420 employees, in conjunction with training policy and company directives, achieving a more focused and defined output.

§  Establish and maintain a 10% reduction in the training budget without compromise to the plan, or organisation and oversee all of the company training and operations, within the financial constraints of £780,000 Sterling pa, by managing and supervising middle managers effectively, in conjunction with relevant IT Systems.

§  Advise, manage and oversee the company course allocation, course bidding, student preparation and course attendance process in accordance with internal and external directives, to enhance the career management of all personnel, through effective prioritising, thus facilitating Investors In People (IIP).

§  Ensure standards in the training and operational divisions of the company are maintained and employment training is conducted and tested in accordance with the organisations training and testing policy, applying effective judgement.

§  Establish and oversee all company databases, capturing and recording all necessary qualified individuals, records of training, operations records and its subsequent enduring maintenance, enabling interrogation and Information Management.

§  As the subject matter expert (SME), act as the ‘Coach & Mentor’ to all levels of management and others within the company and encourage all, in their personal and professional development, through an enthusiastic approach and leading by example, as the ‘Role Model’, empowering individuals to further achieve to the benefit of the company.


Senior Management


July 2004 – January 2008

Cambridgeshire – Hampshire

Key Responsibilities & Achievements:

§  Responsible for the overall welfare, discipline, health care and security of a department within the company, encapsulating 178 personnel and achieving a 50% reduction in all cases, thus profiting the organisation both in time and financially.

§  To act as the consciousness of the department and advise the executive management accordingly, thus improving output.

§  Making improvements to and guiding middle managers and line managers in all aspects, from staff work to conduct.

§  To be the subject matter expert in all disciplines encompassing both the operational and training sides of the company and direct training accordingly, providing focus.

§  Reducing costs through the forward planning and orchestration of the company’s main management course, in all facets including the advance booking of all assets required and the direct interaction with outside agencies and suppliers.

§  The delivery of lectures and presentations to the bespoke management courses, within the main skill sets, that of management styles, leadership and discipline and the subsequent development through operational reports.

§  Advising the executive committee and reporting on individual performance, through the use of mid-term, formal and final reports and any interim interviews deemed necessary, highlighting areas for further development.


Middle Management


January 1997 – July 2004

Wiltshire – Kent

Key Responsibilities & Achievements:

§  Military counter terrorist advice to various Ministers and the Royal Palace, pending the Kings return, within Afghanistan’s Interim Authority, to achieve a stabilising effect within the region.

§  Management and leadership of personnel whilst war fighting in Iraq, specifically all facets of build-up training, final letters home and the operational slant of the military operation.

§  Battle Group advice to 16 Air Assault, which included counter mobility advice and site selection, through the use of movement corridors via Intelligent Preparation of the Battle space (IPB) and Battlefield Area Evaluation (BAE).

§  The planning, administration, safety and conduct of all battlefield simulations within the training environment, including the use of plastic explosives and demolitions accessories, simulating Explosive Methods Of Entry, Booby Traps and IED’s.

§  The establishment, management, administration and career profiling of a detachment consisting of 32 personnel and six vehicles, worth five million pounds sterling.

§  The development of company and corporate doctrine, to be used as ‘Best Practice’ within the military sphere.

§  The identification, selection, training and testing of individuals for promotion to their first and subsequent management appointment.


Junior / Line Management


August 1988 – January 1997

UK / Europe / Worldwide

Key Responsibilities & Achievements:

§  The instruction at all levels, both military and civil (RYA Advanced Power Boat Instructor), the fundamental watermanship skills.  These include Power Boat Handling, Buoyage, Navigation, Rules of the Road, Tides, Vectors and various other seamanship abilities, encompassing military, commercial and civil audiences.

§  The instruction of potential soldiers, from junior soldiers to adult recruits, in all weaponry and infantry disciplines and all further education requirements.

§  The teaching and testing of selected individuals and line managers in the art of teaching for employment at an ATR.

§  The completion of various managerial and career courses along with various military courses, notably attendance at The Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols School and the Arctic Warfare Cadre, demonstrating leadership and management abilities in extreme environments.




MSc - Property Development (Robert Gordon University)

Graduateship - Civil Engineering (MinstRE)

Licensorship - Civil Engineering (MinstRE)

National Federation Of Property Professionals (NFOPP)–Residential Letting & Property Management (MARLA)

National Federation Of Property Professionals (NFOPP)–Residential Sales & Property Management (MNAEA)

HND - Civil Engineering (Army Apprentice College)

BTEC Advanced Diploma - Supervision of Relief Operations (Royal Engineer Warfare Wing)

BTEC Advanced Diploma - Teaching in the Life Long Learning Sector (Army Staff & Leadership School)

ILM - Certificate in Management - ‘Coaching & Mentoring’ (Army Staff & Leadership School)

Local Resilience Forum - Tactical Management of Incidents (Nottingham Tactical Support Group)

Short University Course - Website Design (HTML etc)

Short University Course - Computer Aided Design (CAD) evolving through CADLT & AUTODESK to BIM





Business Studies


Computer Studies

Technical Drawing

LinkedIn – DavidWinsper   •  Twitter - @DavidWinsper